Tuesday, June 05, 2007
A Thousand Words

furniture from a local rasta man
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I believe myself to be a person that constantly seeks balance. I feel that a more logical, just and harmonious answer to most things in life lies somewhere in the grey, rather than in the black or white. This does not mean that I do not know what I want, nor does it mean that I am complacent and afraid to fight for what I believe in. It simply means that I believe little truth can be found at any extreme. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes seeing the extreme to understand this. Over the past 10 years I have done a great deal of travelling around Canada and the World. Usually it has been for extended periods of time. The reason being that my travels have been less about the scenery and tourism than about the people I meet. There is something exciting about meeting people that are totally different from yourself in so many ways, yet at the same time indistinguishable. In this sense I view my experiences abroad as an education in our common humanity.