Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In the Swahili language, "m" is the prefix to indicate a person in the singular and "wa" is for plural.
For me I am "mchina" or in other words, a chinaman. My name is Dennis Tessier and I was born in Canada to French Canadian parents, but I am Chinese...Well, at least in rural Tanzania I am.
Some times in Dar, but mostly in rural areas people will believe me to be Chinese. They greet me by saying, "hello Chinaman," or "good day Chinaman," or "hey Chinaman, do you want a taxi?" The children greet me with respect by saying, "shikamoo mchina," literally translated as "we hold your feet Chinaman."
Once while visiting a family in Shinyanga Region the son of 5years entered the room, finished off my soda, turned to me and said, "thank you Chinaman."
My most memorable experience was in Kyela Town market when I was trying to change 20 USD for Tanzanian Shillings. An old beggar came up to me and asked for his cut, "nipe zawadi mchina (give me a gift Chinaman)." I refused. He continued by loudly exclaiming how cheap Chinese people were. People around began to laugh. He persisted. Beginning to get frustrated I rebutted, "I am mzungu (white or European), not Chinese." The old beggar paused for a moment, then began, "are you calling me a liar?" He did not give me time to reply, "young man, I've been around much longer than most and I promise you that you are a Chinaman...I know a Chinaman when I see one!"
Defeated I retreated back to the security of my guest house.
The truth behind the matter is that China's influence in Africa has been growing enourmously over the past decade. Cheap Chinese goods are flooding local markets, the Chinese are building roads, power dams, power grids, and making huge business deals for oil, gas, timber and other valuable natural resources. The reason for this is two fold. First China is seeking to expand its markets...especially for low quality manufactured goods and, second, to secure raw matrials for its manufacturing sector.
China has proven to be a much better business partner than Western governments...they do not interfere with local politic. They turn a blind eye to human rights abuses and mismanagment and they offer alot of development assistance in exchange for business.
Really it just boils down to the fact that China is taking Capitalism up a notch...or perhaps just reverting to the old rules depending on how you look at it.
So, what does that mean for me constantly being mistaken as a Chinaman...nothing really. For Tanzanians, labelling me as a mchina or mzungu or mhindi is just a way to identify me as not one of thier own. I am not swahili. However, I must note that the original meaning of "mzungu" is "devil from the sea" so perhaps I am better off being a China man!
I miss your stories. Respect your elders now...if they thought you were the devil of the sea they may leave you alone LOL
big sis
From the first day I met you a long time ago, I knew you would be a great man, doing great things...and reading about what you're doing makes me realize how right I was all this time...I'm proud of you !!
Love you
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